Where The Magic Happens


Pilates + Pelvic Health

As a BASI certified instructor with pre/postnatal certifications, and a pelvic floor mentorship with a licensed physical therapist, I am here to build a movement program for your individual needs. Firstly I will always recommend seeing a licensed physical therapist specializing in pelvic health even if you are symptom free (check out the resource page for referrals). I have built strong relationships with some amazing providers in our area and work closely to insure that their diagnosis and programs are supported in our sessions. My goal is to guide you from treatment into a sustainable lifestyle that will carry you through these big changes in your life. You will walk away with a full understanding of anatomy, body mechanics, labor and recovery, breath work, and postpartum care giving your body the tools it needs to function. Some of the many topics we can address include pelvic pain, hip and back pain, prolapse, diastasis recti, pain with sex, constipation, incontinence, functional movement, birth mechanics, and early postpartum movement. My approach to pelvic health is looking at the body as a whole network while honoring our asymmetrical structures and working to bring balance back to it. A session may include muscle tests to determine the imbalances, inhibiting dominate patterns, and then retraining those muscles to do their job correctly. Have any questions about the details of a session or what makes it different from what you have tried before? Let’s set up a time to chat and see if I can help you in your pelvic health journy!

Private sessions are also open to those that are not pregnant or postpartum but that are looking for an in depth understanding of pelvic health!

Group Classes take place on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons at The Studio University Place and are open to all! These classes will cover all of the basics of pelvic health and how to move safely in a group setting. Each week will have a different focus and give you the tools to begin to identify your bodies asymmetries and how to move with confidence. We can’t Kegel our way out of bad alignment!

Newly postpartum? Your little one is welcome to join our sessions!